Introduce Yourself To Maine With a Hike
To hike in Maine is to introduce yourself to our state, one step at a time. You breathe in the salt as you round a corner in Acadia National Park, or hoist yourself up a steep pitch on a mountain in western Maine. Everything is slow, deliberate and linked with the land.
In State & National Parks
There are great hikes throughout Maine, on federal lands like Acadia, in state parks such as Mt. Blue and along the East Coast’s longest walk, the Appalachian Trail.
Baxter State Park
With 215 miles of hiking trails and Maine’s tallest mountain (Katahdin), there is stunning foliage to witness in this wild wonderland. A choose-your-adventure-type place, there are options for easy day hikes in addition to the more adventurous route of summiting Katahdin. A short day hike option to consider is Horse Mountain. From the park's north gate, the Horse Mountain trailhead is 0.6 mile from the gatehouse. The trail is steep but within 1.2 miles, you will see a sign for a spur trail to the viewpoint where you will have a birds-eye view of Grand Lake Matagamon.
Camden Hills State Park
Sweeping views at this park atop Mt. Battie are made even more spectacular with the rich colors of fall foliage. A popular trail to enjoy the summit and see Camden Harbor is the Nature Trail and then left onto the Tablelands Trail to the top of Mt. Battie.
Acadia National Park
Numerous summits, easy day hikes and craggy coastlines make Maine’s “crown jewel of the North Atlantic coast” a gorgeous place to witness foliage on a hike. There are many hikes, ranging from easy walks to the very challenging Beehive – where at certain points, you climb the mountain using iron rungs.
For Kids
Kids love hiking, and Maine has plenty of paths perfect for them. Some are strolls, and others are as tough and demanding as anything their parents might enjoy.
In the Mountains
Hiking Maine mountains adds an extra dimension. Katahdin is Maine’s tallest peak — and one of the hardest. But the state has plenty of others that are fun and easier on the feet and nerves. For an even greater challenge, try Maine’s many rock-climbing routes, which range from granite walls over the Atlantic to hidden granite stashes elsewhere in the state.
Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument provides over 87,000 acres of mountain and forestland for the serious hiker. There are many trails to enjoy like these in the south section of the monument, like Deasey Mountain – a challenging 10-mile hike where you get to ford a stream. Or head to the north section where there are reservable campsites and huts.
On a Trail
Maine Trail Finder provides a detailed list of Maine Hikes and hiking trails.

Look Out for ME Hiking & Climbing Tips
- Hike and climb with a friend
- Stay on established trails and roads
For more info on how to enjoy the outdoors responsibly, visit our Look Out for ME page.